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I Rest My Case

OK… I know that you’re just barely over your whole Easter weekend marathon and you may have some bumps, bruises, and bags under your eyes to show for it… but I have a very important question for you:

How well do you rest?

(Yes, I shot this whilst in my pajamas… for effect)

I love church creatives and techs, and I truly hope that you take this question to heart. What do you struggle with? How would you advise someone who is WAY over-worked in the church-world? Chime in! Let’s help each other on this.

One comment on “I Rest My Case

  1. Hi Steve! So true about the need for resting! “Be still and know that I am God.” (Ps. 46:10). Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I also saw your video travel log…very cool creative endeavor! It’s great to see the “behind the scenes” look at what goes into the production.

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